Landscaping continues – part 2

So the landscapers have now laid the footing and laid the red gum soldiers. Work is progressing well. It was a mother load of concrete to fill all the trenches that are the brick footings.

The boys are juggling many jobs so we are enjoying a few days of work a week, but that is fine by me; these guys are like hen’s teeth.

The team we’ve chosen are amazing and they go so hard and fast when they are here. Quality of workmanship is great.

The soldiers look absolutely stunning. The boys need to tidy them up a bit but you get the gist. Quite a few local comments already on how they look.  I wanted them all the way around the house but the dollars were really adding up and these bad boys are not cheap!  Instead, we’ll revert to brick further around the side. A fence will divide the space.

I’m now working on irrigation plans and working out the right topping blend for the driveway and side paths. I’m thinking something quite tan/ yellow and natural. It will be quite coarse so it doesn’t lead to stones inside underneath shoes. I’m also working on the deck plans so we can work out how much wood / posts we need to buy.

2014-10-04 07.19.23


More footings for the long garden beds


2014-10-04 07.18.24


Footings for the feature planter box.

2014-10-04 07.17.13

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